Data Viewing Concepts
During the data loading steps, the original event files including the XML and the supporting files sent to Doodlebase are stored in a cloud location, and a location reference to these files is stored in the data warehouse. The Doodlebase API supports sending these files from the cloud to your browser by using a GET method that is unique to each file. The complete API call to retrieve a file is stored in the Event log in the data warehouse.
A second step during data loading is for the Doodlebase API to setup a staging location for the data warehouse files. The data warehouse files are converted from the original XML format to a JSON format, and context is added to the files in the form of primary and foreign database keys.
The complete list of stage files or a subset of the files can be loaded to the data warehouse. Once in the data warehouse, reports are generated from the files using data visualization software such as Power BI or Tableau.
As a part of your consulting contract with Schemaport, the method of data file retrieval and the report formats will be developed for you to utilize.
Next Steps
If you have a Doodlebase Network then Log In to begin using Doodlebase. If you do not have a Network and would like to learn more about Doodlebase, then contact Steve Hugh at